martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

Lo primero lo Primero!

Soy Sheila..
Friends call me Broken
Family? Lila ...
Vivo en Republica Dominicana, Santo Domingo.
Tengo 15.
I don't hate people.
I am NOT religious.
But I do respect your religion.
I have a lot of skills, like I can do 13 things at the same time.
I have an extremely outgoing personality.
I love taking risks.
I have no self control.
I'm insecure and inmature.
I'm loud and boisterous.
I'm very very very revengeful.
Easy to get along with and talk to.
I have a weird attitude. That's just me!
I love singing and talking.
Love music.
Easily distracted.
Hates not being trusted.
Big Imagination.
Loves to be loved.
Hate studying.
I live by "No pain, no gain" caring.
I'm always a suspect.
Charming or beautiful to everyone.
To freaking independent.
Strong willed.
I'm a Fighter, I never give up.

Esta soy yooo!

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